Tuesday, September 13, 2011

20 Questions - Tyler Denker

1 Were you named after anyone? No, but my father and I have the same middle name. Tyler Dean Denker, Richard Dean Denker

2 Do you like your own handwriting? Yes. The handwriting classes that I took in grade school are paying off.
3 What would your superpower be if you could choose one? To hear what people are thinking. It would be good to use to my advantage in many ways.

4 Are you an Optimist or Pessimist? Optimist. I think alot of people would say the samething about me. No matter what the situation I always look for the good out of it.

5 What do you collect? Hats. I have one head but loads of hats. It use to be t-shirts but I'm trying to control that more often.

6 What movie would your friends be surprised that you like? Little Miss Sunshine. Hayley and I went saw this in the theater and will always remember that date.

7 What are your favorite smells? A leather baseball glove, fresh cut grass, and wood from the lumber yard. Yes, all strange smells, but to me they smell kinda good.

8 Coffee or Tea? Coffee all the way. I never really got into tea much. Coffee hot or cold as long as its got alot of sweetner.

9 Wine or Beer? Beer. I like wine too, but if I have the choice its gonna be beer everytime.

10 What is the best thing you've ever eaten? I had a great steak once.
11 Mac or PC?  Well I've never had a mac so I guess that makes me a PC guy.

12 What are you listening to right now?  "rock you like a hurricane" by the scorpines on vh1 classics

13 What career would you pursue in another life? Sports journalism. I really like sports and casually like talking about it but I cant write into words sometimes what I want to say. -or- A graphic artist. I love letters and numbers and graphic art would be interesting.

14 What sound or noise to you love? The sound of the ocean is very soothing.

15 What sound or noise do you hate? Crying, unwatched children that arent being paid attention to.

16 Mountains or Beach? I have seen both, but the beach takes the cake on this one. Good views, good looking people, and good times all on the beach.

17 Cook or Bake? Well I suck at both but if i have to choose it would be to bake. I can make cookies if I follow the instructions.

18 Do you go to restaurants and movies by yourself? Restaurants yes, Movie no. I have gone into places to eat for lunch or dinner by myself.

19 What is your favorite fairy tale or childhood story? The three little pigs is always a good one to me. Makes me laugh, it can be twisted to be funny if need be.

20 What would you tell the 13 year old you? It would be a few things: save your money, focus on schooling, and dont take your work life too serious. 13 is tough because the next year I got my first job at 14 at a grocery store and Im still in the business today.

Wifey To Be - update (or part two)

Here is an update of this post.

1. Shaving my legs - Ok we will have to ask Tyler how I'm doing on this one. I feel like I should get a B+ for effort. 80% of the time I am smooth as a baby's bum. But c'mon, who shaves in the winter? Right? Right?

2. Speaking kindly - I am TRYING on this one. Speaking kindly is something I want to come naturally and as second-nature to me, but I know that will take a lot of effort. Sometimes, after I am rude, I then say how I should have said it, in a much nicer, calmer tone. Does that count?

3. Clean up after myself - I think I am doing the best on this one. I do laundry and clean the house daily. I don't make the bed, though. That is my next goal!

4. Hm... I don't know how I've done here. I'll have to ask him, I think I sortof forgot about this one.


Monday, September 12, 2011

20 Questions - Kim Denker

1 Were you named after anyone? Not that I am aware....Just one of the 3 K's

2 Do you like your own handwriting? Yes, some days it's good.

3 What would your superpower be if you could choose one? to be able to disappear, although "be there"

4 Are you an Optimist or Pessimist? the first one...Opti something

5 What do you collect? Snowmen and snowflakes.... all year long!

6 What movie would your friends be surprised that you like? uhm...The Wizard of Oz for sure!

7 What are your favorite smells? Fall air, spicey scents, and Men's Obsession

8 Coffee or Tea? Flavored sweet tea...and Coffee from DD

9 Wine or Beer? Wine...Boone's Farm  Strawberry

10 What is the best thing you've ever eaten? Home grown corn on the cob and a good Nebr. steak and mashed potatoes, and CHOCOLATE of course!!!

11 Mac or PC?  PC and my laptop

12 What are you listening to right now? Rich making supper, and mixing us a drinkie! 

13 What career would you pursue in another life? A teenage counselor/advocate for troubled teens

14 What sound or noise to you love? . waking up in the morning when camping....awwwhhhh! =)

15 What sound or noise do you hate? someone crying... makes me cry too!

16 Mountains or Beach? Beach with lots of sand and sun and water...

17 Cook or Bake? Bake.... then eating it all!

18 Do you go to restaurants and movies by yourself? Heaven's NO...that would be sad!

19 What is your favorite fairy tale or childhood story? I believe it was called Bonnie!

20 What would you tell the 13 year old you? "Be a good person, smile alot, laugh too, and treat others the way you want to be treated!"

Saturday, September 10, 2011

20 Questions - Kyson Denker

1 Were you named after anyone? no, i do not belive so. My mom and dad liked different names, so they combined them or something like that, or so i was told.

2 Do you like your own handwriting? - no, i think its messy, it sometimes annoys me

3 What would your superpower be if you could choose one? -invisibility, speed, or to fly.

4 Are you an Optimist or Pessimist? -i try to be optimist, but someitmes find myself being very pessimistic

5 What do you collect? - i use to collect sports cards as a kid, but now i guess i dont really know

6 What movie would your friends be surprised that you like? - i dont think they would be too surprised about any movie i watched, more make fun of me or tease me if THEY thought it was stupid

7 What are your favorite smells? -The smell after fireworks, gun powder, and fresh air

8 Coffee or Tea? coffee, but still gross

9 Wine or Beer? beer, never had wine

10 What is the best thing you've ever eaten? a nice juicy steak

11 Mac or PC?  PC, its what i have now haha

12 What are you listening to right now?  ESPN on the TV

13 What career would you pursue in another life?

14 What sound or noise to you love? . Rain or the crackling of a fire

15 What sound or noise do you hate? the scratching of fingernails on a chalk board

16 Mountains or Beach? beach, relaxing

17 Cook or Bake? cook

18 Do you go to restaurants and movies by yourself? no, i would feel awkward

19 What is your favorite fairy tale or childhood story? Milo and Otis - childhood movie

20 What would you tell the 13 year old you? to shapen up and not get so mad about the small things

Thursday, September 8, 2011

20 Questions - Jackie Affsa

1 Were you named after anyone?            Jacqueline Kennedy O’Nassis.  (Too bad I didn’t take after her style as well!)

2 Do you like your own handwriting?             No, I write like a 7 year old boy. 

3 What would your superpower be if you could choose one?             I know its cliché, but I’d love to be able to fly! Or the ability to run for hours and hours.  
4 Are you an Optimist or Pessimist?             I’d like to think I’m an optimist, and I often encourage people to be an optimist as well!  But I think we all have pessimistic points sometimes

5 What do you collect?

6 What movie would your friends be surprised that you like?             Any mob movie with lots of violence.  Ex: Reservoir Dogs,  also Pulp Fiction <3  à on the other side of things, I love The Notebook too! (??)

7 What are your favorite smells?             Garlic Powder.. always has been my favorite smell ever.

8 Coffee or Tea?
            LOTS of coffee in the morning.  Looove my cup of tea at night.

9 Wine or Beer?             This is a tricky one… After 13 mins of debating over this (haha seriously..) I have to say it’s a tie! I LOOOOVE both of them! Depends on the occasion for sure.

10 What is the best thing you've ever eaten?             Oh my gosh, this is SO HARD!!! I can’t think of one particular dish I had that sticks out. But my favorite foods include Sushi and Chicken Parm.

11 Mac or PC?              MAC!

12 What are you listening to right now?              Amy Winehouse.  My new guilty pleasure. <3

13 What career would you pursue in another life?
            Makeup Artist or Psychic. 

14 What sound or noise to you love? . Honestly?? REALLY Loud, Heavy Music.   Especially live.. when you can feel it inside your chest.

15 What sound or noise do you hate?
            Excessive, loud, annoying, noises.  Such as- randomly slamming stuff onto counters, throwing dishes into a sink, slamming your mouse down on your desk repetitively, excessively clicking a pen loudly, loud gum chewing.. etc..  ahaha J  

16 Mountains or Beach?             BEACH BEACH BEACH  (but mountains are oh so pretty )

17 Cook or Bake?             I love to grill, fry, sear, broil, bake, cook, sautee, etc.  I LOVE any sort of for preparation, but I’m horrible at it. 

18 Do you go to restaurants and movies by yourself?             I went to a restaurant by myself once.. during my lunch break because I need a cocktail THAT BAD.  Wouldn’t mind going to a movie alone though!

19 What is your favorite fairy tale or childhood story?             Disney Movies aside??? I always love Charlottes Web.   Disney Movies included.. all of them.  Especially Alladin and Beauty and the Beast!!            

20 What would you tell the 13 year old you?             Buckle up and hold on! Its going to be a WILD ride.  Eat healthy! Stay Active! Oh, and SAVE YOUR MONEY BETTER!!!! SAVE SAVE SAVE!

Wednesday, September 7, 2011


I often let myself down, and in letting myself down, I drag myself down to a dark place, where all I can do it sit on my couch, frozen, imobilized, afraid. I start to spiral, and feel bad about feeling bad, and feel guilty about feeling bad that I feel bad, and then getting anxious about feeling guilty that I feel bad about feeling bad - ENOUGH.

I'd like to put a stop to this, and with that said, I am going to start posting small, tiny, acheivable goals. Goals that I can reasonably acheive, and my promise to myself is that even if I don't, I will not beat myself up.

Yesterday, I had 2 goals.

#1: Refill your waterbottle at least 6 times.
#2: Make it through an entire 90 minute hot yoga class - even if that means just sitting on my matt.

I did it - and really felt accomplished. Yoga once a week (at least) is going to be a goal of mine. As I think of more, I will write them here.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

20 Questions - Dana MacDonald

1 Were you named after anyone? Supposedly no. Although, my mom tells me she had a crush on a guy in high school named Dana(i'm a girl)...

2 Do you like your own handwriting? No, because my brothers is way neater.

3 What would your superpower be if you could choose one? Invisibility. That would be awesome.

4 Are you an Optimist or Pessimist? I'm optimistic but realistic.

5 What do you collect? As a kid, glass animals. Now, jewelry?

6 What movie would your friends be surprised that you like? All of the Rocky movies. The second one is my favorite.

7 What are your favorite smells? baking, fall, cleaning supplies, my new pomegranate body lotion form tjmaxx.

8 Coffee or Tea? Iced coffee. Tea is gross.

9 Wine or Beer? Eww neither.

10 What is the best thing you've ever eaten? Can't pick one. Let's just say, I have a very large sweet tooth. and i love apple cinnamon berryline.

11 Mac or PC?  Mac. Just got my first; a macbook pro :)

12 What are you listening to right now? commercials between episodes of Keeping Up With The Kardashians and the wind chimes on my back porch.

13 What career would you pursue in another life? I haven't even decided on a career in my current life. First college class starts friday...

14 What sound or noise to you love? crunching leaves, the ocean, adele's voice

15 What sound or noise do you hate? loud chewing, nail clipping, nail filing, road rage

16 Mountains or Beach? beach all the way

17 Cook or Bake? bake, especially anything with chocolate

18 Do you go to restaurants and movies by yourself? never have and don't plan on it

19 What is your favorite fairy tale or childhood story? i have no clue...

20 What would you tell the 13 year old you? Don't be so shy and serious. Rethink that 8th grade graduation speech. High school isn't THAT important.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

20 Questions - Jackie Berkery

1 Were you named after anyone? nope. though sometimes i pretend i was named after jackie o... because seriously, the girl had style.
2 Do you like your own handwriting? hmm. i do, but i wish my cursive was prettier. i can do pretty-ok bubble letters though!

3 What would your superpower be if you could choose one? i think it would have to be teleportation -- i love travel, and wouldn't it be amazing to be in thailand in .6 seconds.. just to spend the weekend there? yes. definitely teleportation.

4 Are you an Optimist or Pessimist? i try to see the glass as half full. it's not always easy, but the world is bleak as a pessimist.

5 What do you collect? nothing these days -- i'm about to move and am trying to whittle down my superfluous belongings. i used to collect tons of crap, though -- shells, pins, shot glasses, decks of cards, foreign money, stickers. oh! and i just found my old basketball card collection from the mid-90s. had to save a few of those -- championship bulls!

6 What movie would your friends be surprised that you like? white chicks. it's soo bad, but i laugh every time.

7 What are your favorite smells? cooking with garlic, new cars, old books, and my nana's house.

8 Coffee or Tea? black tea. sometimes with a little bit of lemon, depending on my mood.

9 Wine or Beer? both! just keep the tequila far, far away.

10 What is the best thing you've ever eaten? hay, c'mon. you know how much i love food. that is a question i simply cannot answer. but i will say that i have a weakness for anything italian.

11 Mac or PC? mac, obviously. i'm, like, super creative and unique.

12 What are you listening to right now? well, i was listening to the sound of my fan because it's hot as hell in this room. but upon turning my itunes on shuffle, i am now listening to the wicked soundtrack. (geek alert! are you sure you still want me in your wedding?)

13 What career would you pursue in another life? broadway star. of course, that is assuming i'm idina menzel in my other life, right? "i think i'll try defying gravityyyy... and you can't pull me downnn" (again, geek alert!)

14 What sound or noise do you love? music. as nietzsche said, "without music, life would be a mistake."

15 What sound or noise do you hate? alarm clocks. seriously, who thought that sound would be pleasant to wake up to?

16 Mountains or Beach? mountains... poolside.

17 Cook or Bake? delivery! in my house we refer to the take-out menu drawer as the "recipe drawer."

18 Do you go to restaurants and movies by yourself? i do enjoy dining out by myself on occasion, but i'm not really into the seeing a movie by yourself thing. i need someone to analyze with me afterward!

19 What is your favorite fairy tale or childhood story? i love peter pan. a story about never growing up? how wonderful.

20 What would you tell the 13 year old you? be yourself. always. life is much better when you don't care what other people think.

Friday, September 2, 2011

20 Questions - Meghan Tavares

1 Were you named after anyone? My Vavo - Margaret (They derived Meghan from that obvi:)).
2 Do you like your own handwriting? No, but I'm too lazy to work on it.

3 What would your superpower be if you could choose one? I would love the power to make anyone feel better or remove their pain with just a touch.

4 Are you an Optimist or Pessimist? It depends on my mood, the weather, my cycle and the energy around me. Today? Optimistic-

5 What do you collect? Snow globes! And... clothes haha.

6 What movie would your friends be surprised that you like? I don't think anything would surprise them. They know me pretty well.  - Napolean Dynamite maybe?

7 What are your favorite smells? Fresh cut grass, lilac and clean laundry.

8 Coffee or Tea? Coffee, coffee, coffee! (name that Gilmore Girls episode ;))

9 Wine or Beer? Usually wine, but lately beer. It keeps me unpredictable.

10 What is the best thing you've ever eaten? My food pyramid: Bread from Cheesecake Factory, Pasta from Olive Garden, fried chicken that charlotte makes, cheese fries from Broadways Best or Spukies:)

11 Mac or PC?  PC

12 What are you listening to right now?  The Bethany Joy Galeotti channel on Pandora

13 What career would you pursue in another life? Although I have about 6 careers to complete in this life - I'll save Wedding Planner for the next one.

14 What sound or noise to you love? Summer bugs/crickets and the sound of waves crashing at the beach, the microwave beep (it means my popcorn's done:))

15 What sound or noise do you hate? Car horns, voices of people I don't like, people who think they can sing and can't and make us all suffer because no one will tell them they suck, I'll probably be thinking of more answers all day :)

16 Mountains or Beach? Beach

17 Cook or Bake? Neither. I prefer to eat what others cook and bake. If I had to pick a preparation I pick... microwaving, or calling to order.

18 Do you go to restaurants and movies by yourself? Absolutely. If YOU don't want to be around you, why would anyone else want to? I enjoy "me" time.

19 What is your favorite fairy tale or childhood story? It's hard to pick just one! Well I'm picking Winnie The Pooh (in general). Because it shows you the power in a group of friends and how their support and love can get you through anything.

20 What would you tell the 13 year old you? Stop trying to people-please! Believe it or not, one day you won't give a shit what anyone thinks and the people you spent your time trying to please the most, won't even be in your life-